Me & Bad Boys: Revealing the Hidden Darkness Behind Abuse

Do you find nice guys boring or always find yourself in toxic and abusive relationships? Do you want to learn how to break those patterns?

From a Christian and professional perspective, come explore

  • The dynamics surrounding partner abuse
  • The reasons one stays in a chaotic relationship
  • The psyches of the victim and abuser
  • The many faces of abuse
  • The issues with ungodly bonding
  • The breaking of generational patterns
  • The treatments of trauma for survivors of abuse

The book Me & Bad Boys offers hope and resources to begin again and live the abundant life Christ has promised.

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Prophetic Supernatural Streams: From Father's Heart to Yours

Are you curious about the supernatural realm and the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit? Do you want to learn more about the unique streams of the prophetic ministry? Come and explore the following:

  • How to discern the voice of God
  • How to test the spirits
  • How to accurately represent the King and the kingdom
  • How to distinguish a false prophet from a real one
  • How woundedness affects a prophetic flow
  • How God prepares a prophetic vessel

Prophetic Supernatural Streams is a book designed to restore honor back to prophetic ministry and help young prophetic voices mature in the body of Christ. This book will awaken readers to the spirit realm and acquaint them with the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

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X Drama Queen: Recovered from Trauma

Do you feel the need to be in intense relationships and always pick a mate who is emotionally unavailable? Do you always need to be in love to feel whole? Read X Drama Queen and find out why. 

Drama queens are like moths that are attracted to the flame. X Drama Queen not only explores the whys but gives practical wisdom on how to overcome self-defeating behaviors. As you read you will discover:

  • How past trauma impacts your life today
  • How to develop resilience and better coping skills
  • How to navigate crises
  • How you have engaged in self-sabotage
  • How to embrace change
  • How to get your bounce back
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Leaving the Place Called Stuck: Launching into Your New Season

Are you stuck in your life journey and want to move forward? Do you want to learn why you are stuck and how to get out?

Come and explore the following:

  • The whys of procrastination
  • The secondary gains for staying in stuck
  • The forces of darkness thwarting your destiny
  • The spiritual paralysis binding you
  • The ungodly mindsets entrapping you


Leaving the Place Called Stuck is a book to awaken the bride of Christ out of her slumber. In this new awakening, she will be propelled into her God-given destiny.

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When I am Overwhelmed

ARE YOU A CHRONIC WORRIER? Warrior to Warrior Bride will provide biblical and clinical solutions,


  • How to counsel those with anxiety
  • Identifying root causes
  • Employing God strategies
  • Overcoming Negative Predictions
  • Discovering Coping Skills Overcoming fears is the key to soul prosperity.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2 NKJV).

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Lily Among the Thorns: Addressing Partner Abuse

Abusers use many tactics to keep their victims in bondage and in fear.

From a Christian and professional perspective come explore:

  • The psychological and emotional warfare abusers use.
  • The dynamics of trauma shame and trauma bonding.
  • The struggle the victim faces when trying to leave the abuser.
  • The role of the church in the healing process.
  • The mental impact of continual harassment.



This book gives insight into the complex web of intimate

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Biblical Counseling: Addressing Distorted Views of God

Many think biblical counseling is just giving counselees Scripture. It delves so much deeper, as it includes addressing people’s distorted views about God and misinterpretation of Scripture. If you still see God as the genie in the bottle or a master with a whip, this book will help change your mind.

As you read you will learn about:

  • The real meaning of biblical counseling
  • Trauma’s impact on perception
  • Developing a relational theology
  • The counselor’s nature
  • The prophetic counselor
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Flame on the Altar

“Flame on the Altar” is a must read for those who have lost their passion for God and the deep things of the Spirit.

This book addresses the sleeping giant called the American Church.

As you read you will discover:

The fire snuffers extinguishing your flame The internal and external blockades hindering your hot pursuit The many reasons you are spiritually flat lining.

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Relationship Building

Relationship Building is packed to the brim with tools for strengthening marriages.

Within its pages you will discover:

  • The little foxes that spoil the vine.
  • The destructive ways of communicating.
  • The family rules, roles and traditions hindering growth.
  • The better way to resolve conflicts.


This book will help transform marriages if the concepts within are applied.

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Slaying the Giant of Addiction

Slaying the Giant of Addiction is a must read for those struggling with addiction to alcohol, food, pornography, gambling or even romance. Families of addicts will also be encouraged by the insights from this book.

As you read you will discover:

  • The psychological and physical components of addiction
  • The 3 C’s of addiction • Why it is so hard to stop using
  • How you may be enabling the addict
  • The warning signs of relapse
  • Help for the addict and the family


This book offers hope to live a life free from addiction and comfort for

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A Revival Wave of Honor: Restoring Kingdom Protocol

Dr. April Griseta holds a Doctor of Ministry degree and a license in mental health counseling. She is a national conference speaker and has brought many seminars and training courses to the faith community. Among her many accomplishments are the establishing of a local church and a counseling center. Dr. A as she is affectionately known, is also a published author and apostolic consultant to leaders in the body of Christ. Her desire is to see the body of Christ whole: spirit, soul, and body.

A Revival Wave of Honor will take you on a journey throughout the Bible with the purposes of providing a model of Honor.

Emphasis will be on:

  • Honoring the King of Glory
  • Honoring the Anointing
  • Honoring Authority
  • Honoring Covenant
  • Honoring Kingdom Protocol
  • Honoring all men
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Walking in Shalom: Resolving Harmful Anger

Do you keep hurting people with your anger outbursts?

Do you nurse critical thoughts? 

Are you snarky?

Do you struggle with resentments?

Are you sarcastic?

Read “Walking in Shalom” as it will present the many faces of anger and give you fresh insight on how to prevent anger eruptions.

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Eating the Scroll: Basic Bible Foundations

If you are sitting in church and do not know what the minister is talking about, READ this book.
Eat the Scroll will give you a broad overview of Christian beliefs. As you read you will learn about

  • The significance of the Name of Jesus
  • The excellency of the Word of God
  • The purifying power of the Blood of Jesus
  • Trinitarian theology
  • Doctrines of the Church
  • Elementary principles of Christ
  • Basic Christian Tenets
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Flowing Mane: When Leaders Lead

God has raised up mighty leaders in these last days to be a voice of significance but also to help mature other voices. They have gone through the fire and have come forth like gold. They carry a commander anointing and know who they are in their God. They are uncompromisable and unstoppable. Like Jehu, you will know them by their drive!

As you read you will discover that God’s leaders have:

  • A love for God and others
  • A humble but not weak nature
  • A Holy boldness
  • A servant’s heart
  • A pioneering spirit
  • A strong ministerial ethic
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My Spiritual Weaponry: Against the Forces of Darkness

My Spiritual Weaponry will take you on an indelible journey where you will:

  • Discover battle strategies to combat the forces of darkness!
  • Learn how to contend for the faith!
  • Be trained for spiritual war.
  • Comprehend Satan’s schemes working through systems.

This book will challenge your current spiritual walk and lead you into maturity. As you read the pages, you will see that God participates in your spiritual development and desires for you to be thoroughly equipped to fight the good fight of faith. YOU ARE A WINNER!

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Through the Tears: A Clinical View of Depression

Through the Tears is more than an informational book on depression. It reveals the hidden treasures of darkness and gives kingdom keys to overcome grief and hopelessness.

As you read through the pages, you will:

  • Glean powerful truths in God’s Word to become more than a conqueror.
  • Distinguish between being “blah” and experiencing a Major Depressive Disorder.
  • Comprehend how your thought life greatly impacts your mood.
  • See biblical characters who encountered the “HOLE”.
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Trauma Informed Care: Healing Soul Wounds

Trauma informed Care: Healing Soul Wounds will increase your understanding of trauma impact. It addresses the psychological defenses individuals use to avoid dealing with pain and the behaviors that keep them in dysfunctional patterns. From a biblical and professional standpoint, this book is replete with scriptural backing and trauma response expertise.

As you read you will discover

  • Different types of traumas
  • Various trauma responses
  • Harmful ways people cope with pain.
  • God’s viewpoint on self-esteem and self-pity.
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Worrier to Warrior Bride: A Clinical & Biblical View of Anxiety

Trauma informed Care: Healing Soul Wounds will increase your understanding of trauma impact. It addresses the psychological defenses individuals use to avoid dealing with pain and the behaviors that keep them in dysfunctional patterns. From a biblical and professional standpoint, this book is replete with scriptural backing and trauma response expertise.

As you read you will discover

  • Different types of traumas
  • Various trauma responses
  • Harmful ways people cope with pain.
  • God’s viewpoint on self-esteem and self-pity.
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